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BAC Bike and Barge - Netherlands 2014

April 21 - Second Riding Day - Utrecht - Vreeswijk - Schoonhoven

We had a sailing breakfast this morning. While we were eating, Henk sailed the Merlijn from Utrecht to Vreeswijk. This was where we mounted up. Among our many stops, we visited the small town of Vianen. While cruising around the town, Sietse struck up a conversation with a local woman. She invited us to her house. We were very pleased to be able to go into a local residence to get a general idea of what kind of conditions people in small Dutch towns lived in. She had a pleasant, comfortable house with a garden in back filled with colorful flowers.


We continued on in slightly drizzling weather to Schoonhoven, taking a ferry ride to get there. Sietse led us on a spin through the town before we found the Merlijn and settled in for the evening.

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