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BAC New Zealand - 2015

February 5 - Rotorua to Taupo

It was cool and cloudy this morning when we got up. We had our usual buffet breakfast, this time with scrambled eggs, bacon, etc. I left the hotel before 9:00 and headed out to one of the dreaded state highways. We had and 15km climb to start our day, but part of it was on a nice bicycle path. We liked avoiding the cars and trucks. I still felt unsafe on the downhill until I turned off onto a secondary road.


This new road was much smoother and carried far less traffic. I stopped in Reporoa at 28km and bought some ginger snaps for snacking. Other people in group were here as well. When I got on my bicycle and rode down the road, the fun started. A strong headwind was blowing. It not only slowed me down a lot, but it pushed my bicycle around. The weather was perfect otherwise.

I stopped at 65km to eat my PB&J sandwich sitting on a log fence at a new estate development spot. When I started riding again, I had a 10km climb. This climb and the one before were very gradual, but the headwind made me go very slowly.


Finally at 75km I reached the top of the climb and started peddling downhill to Suncourt Hotel in Taupo . My GPS behaved on led me directly to the front door.

Our room was on the second floor and has a wonderful view of Lake Taupo .

Our social hour was outside again. We set it up on a porch, but we had to relocate when the people staying in the rooms behind the porch returned and claimed their territory. Our new site was exposed to the wind and it was a cold wind.


Ann and I took a short walk into town and ate at a noodle shop with Chuck Jackson, Janet and Lance James.

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